Our approach

Our approach

Work with underlying psychological processes

- Enduring outcome

- From symptom to problem
- Defense mechanisms and inner creative resource

Work with underlying psychological processes

- Enduring outcome
- From symptom to problem
- Defense mechanisms and inner creative resource

Coach as the key instrument

- Personal therapy
- Supervision

Coach as the key instrument

- Personal therapy
- Supervision

Solid theoretical basis

- Psychoanalyses
- Socio-technical systems approach
- Concept of the open system

Solid theoretical basis

- Psychoanalyses
- Socio-technical systems approach
- Concept of the open system

Our work is based on psychoanalytical approach and mindset. It is distinguished by long-lasting effect, extensive practice and empirical researches. Psychoanalytical Applied Science allows us to explore and understand interpersonal and organizational dynamics. Main premise here is that unconscious has a meaning in all what we do and all our relations. It opens up the world full of opportunities. As soon as you verbalize and make sense of unconscious desires, fears, barriers, you unleash energy for significant changes of your behavior and decision-making. The practice shows that the better we understand ourselves, our desires and factors that stop us, the more we feel satisfied and free.

Benefits for the client

Benefits for the client


Psychoanalytic approach in the business offers unique methods of deep work with goals and tasks of organization and business-leaders on individual level (psychoanalytical coaching), team development, organizational changes, team development, organizational changes


Psychoanalytic approach in the business offers unique methods of deep work with goals and tasks of organization and business-leaders on individual level (psychoanalytical coaching), team development, organizational changes, team development, organizational changes


Psychoanalytical coaching and psychoanalytical therapy are among the key methods of individual development. Quality and safety are guaranteed by high standards of association as well as by Code of Ethics of Association


Psychoanalytical coaching and psychoanalytical therapy are among the key methods of individual development. Quality and safety are guaranteed by high standards of association as well as by Code of Ethics of Association

Psychoanalytic approach to team development

New methods of group coaching, developed on the intersection of organizational behaviors, development, coaching and psychology, allow to work with core reasons as well as groups and teams' challenges.

Psychoanalytic approach to team development

New methods of group coaching, developed on the intersection of organizational behaviors, development, coaching and psychology, allow to work with core reasons as well as groups and teams' challenges.

Accessiblе psychology project

Charity project (in partnership with HSE) that allows to get professional physiological and psychoanalytically-oriented help, as well as coaching sessions and business consulting free of charge!

Accessiblе psychology project

Charity project (in partnership with HSE) that allows to get professional physiological and psychoanalytically-oriented help, as well as coaching sessions and business consulting free of charge!

Organizational Change

Today change became a reality for any business. How can you benefit from psychoanalytic approach? First of all, it allows to see what is there ‘behind’ the change…
For clients

Organizational Change

Today change became a reality for any business. How can you benefit from psychoanalytic approach? First of all, it allows to see what is there ‘behind’ the change…
For clients

Psychoanalytic counselling and Psychotherapy

Short term psychological support (counselling)

Psychoanalytic counselling and Psychotherapy

Short term psychological support (counselling)

Psychoanalytic Coaching

This highly effective method is applied to coaching and developing of mobile, self-organised, effectively interacting and result-oriented project teams.

Psychoanalytic Coaching

This highly effective method is applied to coaching and developing of mobile, self-organised, effectively interacting and result-oriented project teams.



Association Members have access to a vast knowledge data base and library of articles and publications on the topic of psychoanalytic coaching and business counselling.
The ‘Our Publications’ section offers articles and publications by our members on psychoanalytic coaching and psychoanalytic approach in organizational context.



Our Publications

Our Publications

Mission and values

Mission and values

Combining best practices and innovative approaches in psychology we contribute to personal fulfillment and development of business leaders.

We contribute to unleashing leadership potential, individual and professional growth of our clients for the greater good, by uniting and developing professionals in the field of psychoanalytical coaching and business consulting.


Governance bodies:


Governance bodies:



Ethic Principles

Adhering to ethics has paramount importance for professionals working in the sphere of psychoanalytic coaching and business counselling.

The ethical principles reflect our basic values, principles of psychoanalysis as well as our commitment to our clients, colleagues and general public. The principles are applicable to all professional relations.

The ethical principles impose basic standards to be applied to members’ work.

Ethic Principles

Adhering to ethics has paramount importance for professionals working in the sphere of psychoanalytic coaching and business counselling.

The ethical principles reflect our basic values, principles of psychoanalysis as well as our commitment to our clients, colleagues and general public. The principles are applicable to all professional relations.

The ethical principles impose basic standards to be applied to members’ work.

The main ethical principles are:

Confidentiality, respect of human rights, voluntary basis, honesty, integrity and competency, diligence and non-abuse.

The Association ensures that all its members and institutional bodies should adhere to high level of ethical and professional standards.


Ethics Committee

To make sure the ethical principles are applied and respected, the Association has established a special body - the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee is entitled to receive and review applications and inquiries related to ethical issues, provide oral and written clarifications related to implementation of ethical principles. The Committee is entitled to carry out an investigation. In case the Committee proposes a solution and/or some measures to be taken on behalf of Association, it drafts recommendations on proposed decisions or measures and submits them to the Association Council for endorsement.

The Ethics Committee is formed by Five members and is elected from Association members annually after election of the Association Council.

The Council nominates candidates for the Ethics Committee who cannot be at the same time members of the acting Council to ensure independence and fairness of the Ethics Committee.

Ethics Committee

To make sure the ethical principles are applied and respected, the Association has established a special body - the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee is entitled to receive and review applications and inquiries related to ethical issues, provide oral and written clarifications related to implementation of ethical principles. The Committee is entitled to carry out an investigation. In case the Committee proposes a solution and/or some measures to be taken on behalf of Association, it drafts recommendations on proposed decisions or measures and submits them to the Association Council for endorsement.

The Ethics Committee is formed by Five members and is elected from Association members annually after election of the Association Council.

The Council nominates candidates for the Ethics Committee who cannot be at the same time members of the acting Council to ensure independence and fairness of the Ethics Committee.

Code of Ethics

In order to maintain high professional level the Association introduced the Code of Ethics stipulating the ethical principles which are the main guiding principles for all members, the Council, committees and other institutional bodies.

Code of Ethics

In order to maintain high professional level the Association introduced the Code of Ethics stipulating the ethical principles which are the main guiding principles for all members, the Council, committees and other institutional bodies.



Code of Ethics
Supervisor Code of Ethics and Practice
The Certification Code (as revised from 01.03.19)
Regulations on theoretical training in the field of psychoanalytic coaching and business counseling
Appendices to the Certification Code as amended on 01.08.2018 (TO BE FILLED IN)
Certificate of registration
Charter of the Association for Psychoanalytic Coaching and Business Counseling

Payment details

Payment details

Наименование организации:


ИНН 7719291305

КПП 771901001

ОГРН 1147799018553

Расчётный счёт 40703810210050000518

в Ф Точка Банк КИВИ Банк (АО) г. Москва

БИК 044525797

Корр. счёт 30101810445250000797




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г. Москва, ул. Мясницкая, 20

Мы работаем:

Пн-Пт: 09:00 — 18:00

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Master's Programme ‘Psychoanalysis and business counselling’
International community applying psychoanalytic approach to organizational studies
PSY.one – international project supporting personal development

Information partners

Information partners

Национальный институт сертифицированных консультантов по управлению (НИСКУ)
Ассоциация русскоязычных коучей
Международный культурно-просветительский продюсерский центр
Международная академия коучинга
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