Our work is based on psychoanalytical approach and mindset. It is distinguished by long-lasting effect, extensive practice and empirical researches. Psychoanalytical Applied Science allows us to explore and understand interpersonal and organizational dynamics. Main premise here is that unconscious has a meaning in all what we do and all our relations. It opens up the world full of opportunities. As soon as you verbalize and make sense of unconscious desires, fears, barriers, you unleash energy for significant changes of your behavior and decision-making. The practice shows that the better we understand ourselves, our desires and factors that stop us, the more we feel satisfied and free.
Association Members have access to a vast knowledge data base and library of articles and publications on the topic of psychoanalytic coaching and business counselling.
The ‘Our Publications’ section offers articles and publications by our members on psychoanalytic coaching and psychoanalytic approach in organizational context.
The main ethical principles are:
Confidentiality, respect of human rights, voluntary basis, honesty, integrity and competency, diligence and non-abuse.
The Association ensures that all its members and institutional bodies should adhere to high level of ethical and professional standards.
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